Το STORYDOC εξασφάλισε απο το DOCUMENTARY CAMPOUS τις συνόψεις και τα τρέηλερ σχεδίων ντοκυμανταιρ, όπως παρουσιάστηκαν στο FINAL PITCH στη Λειψία τον Οκτώβριο του 2009. Οι σκηνοθέτες και οι παραγωγοί, οι οποίοι επιθυμούν να πάρουν μέρος στα εργαστήρια μας θα βρούν στις περιλήψεις αυτές την τεχνική της παρουσίασης, όπως διδάσκεται στο Master School στο DOCUMENTARY CAMPUS.18 συνόψεις και traillers σας περιμένουν.
Synopsis: Driving through traffic at home is already stressful enough. Now imagine driving a car in a completely foreign country. A German moving to India, an
American moving to Japan and an African moving to Germany are facing the same problem: They are all forced to obtain a new local driver’s license. Driving lessons soon become lessons of life when it starts to dawn on our protagonists that getting through the day will involve much more than just obeying the rules of the road in their host country. A comedic tour de force about the difficult task of understanding differences and getting “in flow” with another culture.
Trailer: http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
A film about the mystery of music and memories
Synopsis: Whenever the Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov sounded his bells, his dogs got hungry. Whenever I hear songs by the band Pavlov’s Dog, I get nostalgic. This is a cinematic journey through science, personal memories and feelings. Music is strongly connected to emotions and memories, to the brain and to the body – we want to find out why. What else can it evoke in us? We’re investigating the power
of music with respect to the band Pavlov’s Dog.
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
Synopsis: A Sultan and a mission. While Sudan has been stumbling in and out of war for
decades, Sultan Jambo continues to spread the news to his people with an extraordinary delivery system: a megaphone strapped to a cab, as he drives “bera bera” (slowly, slowly) through town. By taking us on his daily trips around Juba, the capital of Southern Sudan, Sultan Jambo will lead the audience deep into the many human stories that our eight o’clock news never bring. Bera Bera Taxi Stories finally gives an illuminating insight into the real life of Africa’s biggest country and takes place at a critical time: with the upcoming referendum on Southern Sudan’s independence from the north, the country is - after five years of peace – once again on the brink of war.
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
4. Bury my heart in Dresden
Synopsis: “Bury my heart in Dresden“ is a documentary about dreams and illusions which interweaves two narratives, one in the past, one in the present. Both narratives move between the distant worlds of Europe and the Reservations of North
America’s Native Indians, using contemporary documentary filming, archive and interviews to produce a moving, magical exploration of the origins, and continuing power, of the ‘myth’ of the American Indian.
In 1910, Edward Two Two, a Lakota-Sioux Indian, joined a band of Native Americans who were taken from America to Germany, to form the core of a ‘Wild West Indian
Village’ that was the spectacular show of the age. While in the United States itself the traditions of Native life were under threat, Two Two and his companions gave new life to those traditions on the vaudeville stages of Europe. At the end of his life, the his last wish was granted – to be buried, in Dresden.
In the present, we connect the life and myth of Edward Two Two with modern Europeans who live today at the land where he was born.
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
Synopsis: Reality TV is the greatest success story of factual TV. Huge audiences; a limitless supply of characters who will go through guaranteed conflict and transformation; and a self-contained and cheap production period that works for the broadcasters.
But it also brought out unexpected and unforeseen stories from behind the scenes that have never been told. Scarlet Fever is a professional burlesque dancer after appearing in the early reality programme ‘Faking It.’ Sacha Mirzoeff is an award winning documentary filmmaker. Together they’re going unravel the many layers
that make up ‘reality.’
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
Synopsis: Night Dancers is a documentary film about some of the world’s most troubled and impoverished kids as they create a stage show to take to the UK’s biggest hip-hop dance festival. Through intimate access to the characters’ lives in the bustling city of Kampala, we will discover an unfamiliar side of life in Africa - bringing a surprising counterbalance to our preconceptions. This generation are more familiar with You tube than with the traditions of their grandparents – where religion and “the West” are so often linked to prosperity and worldly success. Night
Dancers explores the explosion of energy forged by clashing traditions as we live alongside these bright enthusiastic teenagers who search for a better life.
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
Synopsis: Poker is a very fitting simulation of real life – only that the rules which separate victory from defeat are much easier. Every day, millions of poker players meet privately – in back rooms, on the Internet or at live tournaments. They are a part of the worldwide poker boom. Their goal is to conquer their opponent in a seemingly archaic duel and pinch money off them. They stalk and observe one another half the night in order to be able to strike at just the right moment.
In real life, good poker players might be nice people, but at the poker table they transform into egoists with nothing but their own interests in mind. Nowhere else do people act and swindle as much as they do while playing poker. It’s all about devouring and being devoured. Who is the shark? And who is the fish?
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
8. Polish Faith
Synopsis: There is an elephant standing in the corner of the EU Parliament that no one is prepared to speak about.
It is the Polish Roman Catholic Church intent on turning back the hard won liberties of the previous Century.
Will Poland be the last bastion of traditional totalitarian Catholicism sending missionaries to re-Christianise heathen Europe – or will it follow in the footsteps of
Spain and step onto the path of fast reforms and give in to secularization?
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
Synopsis: Raccoon Alex made worldwide headlines last summer when he moved into the parking garage of a fancy hotel on Berlin Alexanderplatz, thus giving an – albeit masked - face to the recent immigration of an American creature to Central Europe.
He is inviting us to embark on a journey into the world of an animal that seems to evoke either disgust or motherly love in people, that amazes scientists these days with new, even record-breaking behaviours, yet is happiest when left alone to try and fit into an entirely foreign landscape of tree holes, attics and – yes – parking garages…
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
Synopsis: Separated from her mother.
Disowned by her father.
Estranged from her culture.
Sayome’s personal story takes us on a unique journey from Japan to Crete -and
back- to discover her two very different cultures.
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
Synopsis: Shooting Kids takes us inside the split reality of life for Matthew Southwell and his teenage crew of lads on the Langley Estate, Manchester, UK. We see the daily struggle and humanity of these boys’ home lives, and the shift into an ultra violent world - animated in the style of a video game - when they step onto the streets
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
Synopsis: A personal journey about why my father, a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn, ended up in the West African bush saving souls for Jesus, and why so many people are
still doing it today.
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
Synopsis: „Superhero - a fictional character of unprecedented powers dedicated to acts of derring-do in the public interest“. Wikipedia
This is a story about an extraordinary man who can fry a hot dog with his own hands.
Slaviša Pajkić, aka Biba Struja (Biba the Electricity) is capable of accumulating electricity and he can consciously control its power while discharging it. Thanks to the powers he discovered by accident as a teenager, this 51-year-old man has spent his entire life experimenting with electricity and proving to himself and others that electricity can not harm him. He exposed his body to electric shocks of high voltage (up to 20 000V), entered the - The Guinness Book of Records twice and he wasn’t allowed to try the electric chair. Today, Electric Biba supports himself and his family by using his powers all over Serbia to „cure people with electricity“. As it usually happens with superheroes, our Biba also feels lonely. But only up until the moment he is fully charged. Is it possible and how does it work?
The Battery Man in his attempt to become the first human laser!
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
Synopsis: We waste almost as much food as we eat, between plough and plate. Every second lettuce is thrown away. In a period of rapidly declining resources and climate change, this situation has to change, and change quickly. The Taste of Waste is a television documentary linked to an international campaign via the internet that will allow us to monitor events across the globe. While the website covers the globe, the film will take us into the personal world of the people who are desperately trying to stop this: Tristram Stuart, pig farmer and well-known author from Britain, or Hanna Poddig, eco-activist from Berlin, offer us the small scale examples of the bigger struggle.
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
15. THE TRUTHTELLER (Working title)
Synopsis: This is a documentary about one man’s firm dedication to stand up for the truth, no matter what. The story about the truth of Bloody Sunday. Hidden in the sound of this day, of crackling radio communication voices exposing the shoot to kill policy of the British Army, which still to this day is denied. The Truthteller is a film about the unique Bloody Sunday tapes - secretly recorded the day the army turned its guns ons its own citizens - and the story of the man who recorded them. A film about a man who dedicated his life to speaking the truth, and now at the age of 89 is searching for the truth about himself...
Trailer http://www.reelisor.com/projectsTI/ti__2/
Synopsis: Robert Steinmetz is out to save Thailand’s few remaining tigers but this brings him into conflict with the local Karen people. Fortunately he has an ally in village elder Loong Daeng.