Home /Storydoc Activities /Call for entries 2015
30 April 2015
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1)     Awards.

§  Best History Documentary (2.000 euros)
§  Best Political Documentary (2.000 euros)
§  Best Social Documentary (2.000 euros)
§  Best Documentary by young filmmaker, up to 30-year old (1.000 euros)

For each category the Jury will make a short list with 4 nominated films for the award
Awarding and nominated films will offer to the Festival the rights for 3 more screenings after the end of the Festival and for a period of 2 months.

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2)    Application submission.
All submissions are made on-line through the link found on the Festival’s official page (www.aegeandocs.gr). Each submission must include:
a) a completed application form that includes

§  Summary of the documentary
§  Full credit list
§  Director’s biographical notes and main filmography
§  Dialogue list of the documentary in English, including the narration
§  three film-stills
§  one photo of the director

b) Four (4) DVD-video copies of the documentary with English subtitles,  sent by post to AegeanDocs, 19 Mithimnis str,11257 Athens, Greece tel: +30 210 8616449

3) Film Submission
Deadline for all applications is May 27, 2015. The evaluation will be made by a committee and the final selection by the Director. Entrants will be notified by e-mail until June 17, 2015.

Entrants, whose films will be selected, should submit by post:
a)    The documentary film in one file with no subtitles on it. The format might be a file with compression ΜPEG-4/ H.264 1920×1080 upper field, 12 Μbps or higher, or a file with compression ΜPEG-2 1920×1080 upper field, or a file Quick time IMX30 1920×1080, or a file Apple ProRes 422P 1920×1080. The file might be stored as data in an optical disk (DVD-ROM or BD-R) or Flash memory or USB stick or Hard Disk Drive (that will be returned after the festival if requested)
b) A trailer with English subtitles for promotion
c) Available publicity material (posters, press releases etc)
d) The following declaration form signed by the producer or director
All materials should reach the Festival offices by July 6, 2015.

4)    Other terms and conditions
a)    There is no entry fee.
b)    The film must have been produced in the last three years (2013, 2014 and 2015). There is no limit in running time.
c)    The Festival has the right to reject any application if it is not fully completed or the materials do not reach the Festival offices in time.
d)    The Festival decides and is responsible for the screening schedule of the film (day and hour) and may organise screenings of the film in any theatre of the 3rdAegeanDocs during the Festival.
e)    The Festival has the right to reject any material which does not further the character and objectives of its programme.
f)      The Festival may use limited excerpts of the film or the trailer for promotional purposes.
g)    Participation in the 3rd AegeanDocs International Documentary Film Festival implies acceptance of the above regulations.

AegeanDocs, 19 Mithimnis str, 11257- Athens, Tel: +30 210 8616449,
e-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   web: www.aegeandocs.gr